Monday, April 13, 2015

A law on intelligence for France ‘at war … – The World

The deputies began consideration of the legislation on intelligence, Monday, April 13th.

It is rare that a prime minister speaks to the National Assembly to support a bill. Manuel Valls has yet visited the Palais Bourbon, Monday, April 13, to lobby MPs law on intelligence. Evidence of the importance of this text, Matignon has borne for the executive.

“Some shortcuts border on caricature” Assen, offensive, Prime Minister which means “clear up the misunderstanding, disproportionate concerns and false accusations” . If they have not been heard many criticisms against the bill thus appear to have worn. It is a vehement Manuel Valls who has defended “a major legal and democratic project” , denying any “Patriot Act or dangerous law” and denouncing “The . postures “

dissenting voice

The tone is rapidly given: for the Prime Minister, it’s ” the first time we face an external and internal threat “. Eric Ciotti, France is “at war” . All sides it welcomes a text “balanced” , the result “a long reflection” .

A few dissenting voices like that of Pierre Lellouche, who regrets that “dissent” or critical to the text of the government be reduced “a fantasy” . The centrist Hervé Morin also very hard slap on the text of the government. “While it is clear that it required a new legal framework, this text is similar to a well-Patriot Act French” points to the former minister of defense. “We are legislating for the powers that will succeed. I do not want this law falls into wrong hands. Democracy is attributed to the powers of against-powers as strong, only bulwarks against arbitrary “ he continued.

” This law is nothing prepared a response in an emergency, it has been carefully considered. It gives concrete guarantees to our countrymen as they have never been in intelligence “ has for its part welcomed Manuel Valls before leaving its interior ministers, Justice and defending against parliamentarians.


The review of the law began with a generous first article. In more than six hours of discussion, the deputies could barely the start.

First they managed to bend the Ministry of Interior and the rapporteur of the text on the question of insertion of personal data as part of the protection of privacy. Both were opposed to this addition, claimed by the Commission Nationale Informatique and Freedom (CNIL), during the passage of text Law Committee. For the Minister of the Interior, it is “send a signal” . The rapporteur Jean-Jacques Urvoas prefer to see a sign of confidence in the administrative authorities, such as his bill creates to control services, where the real power is questioned by opponents of the text. Now the first article of the Act provides that information privacy is respected French, including their personal data.

However, another crucial point of the first article of the Bill The rapporteur and the government did not give in. MPs of all political persuasions have tried to change the objectives justifying the actions of the intelligence services.

The thorny question of the ends

Among 7 they define the circumstances in which the services can claim to monitor an individual. Y contained including “ National Independence”, “the major interests of foreign policy,” “major economic interests ” of the country or “the prevention of crime and delinquency organized”

The former minister of culture, Aurélie Filippetti, has tabled an amendment to the “economic interests, major industrial and scientific of France” can not be invoked by the services, fearing that they are used to monitor journalists investigating a major French company.

Another purpose of the services has drawn criticism, that of the “major interests in foreign policy” , the Green MP Sergio Coronado enjoying to ask if it would lead to the monitoring of Syrian or Libyan dissidents of the time when their state leaders were received at the Elysee … Again, the amendments proposing to withdraw or develop this purpose were rejected.

Finally, the last point of tension, the words “collective violence likely to jeopardize national security.” “Is that the AKI all undermined the republican institutions? “ wondered out loud MP Claude Goasguen. Several MEPs are concerned that the predominantly peaceful protests fall foul of intelligence. The rapporteur of the Committee on Law has sought reassurance, explaining the development in and around the question of the purpose of the legislation in committee, which by small text area. But he remained adamant.


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