Saturday, April 18, 2015

Mercury: the crash announced the Messenger probe – France Soir

Messenger, NASA’s space probe into orbit around Mercury will crash. The good news is that this crash is programmed. After more than 10 years of loyal service, Messenger has accomplished its mission beyond what was expected.

Almost run out of power, it should crash to the surface of Mercury 30 next April after a dip at a speed of 14,000 km / h. Even the location of the impact is expected, it is on the face of Mercury from Earth. So scientists will have plenty of time to observe it.

Launched in 2004, Messenger was in orbit around Mercury -the smallest planet in the solar system and the closest to our star- In 2011, after several close flybys. Its mission was to then last a year older, but has been extended twice. The robot is now out of strength.

Among other scientific discoveries, Messenger will include confirmed the presence of water on Mercury. The planet hosts indeed large amounts of ice, surprising for a planet so close to the sun or it is 400 degrees the day. This ice is found in craters in the polar regions, which are never exposed to the sun.

If Mercury study mission thus coming to an end, at the other end of the solar system another started there a few days. The other probe to the US space agency, New Horizons began studying Pluto Wednesday 15. It should fly over the dwarf planet closest to 14 July.

Another probe, European this time should also fly to Mercury in 2020 to study the sun.


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