Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Facebook changes again, the composition of NewsFeed – ZDNet France

Facebook announces new changes in its NewsFeed. The program changes the balance between the content posted by your friends and Content posted by pages you follow.

Facebook, find the right formula to display relevant content is a constant concern. It is even a puzzle as the uses are constantly changing, as the number of friends means, the average number of pages followed, the average frequency of publications etc. Also, the composition of NewsFeed is necessarily correlated with the business side of the platform and the number of posts “sponsored” that appear in the middle of the “rest”. A complex mix, unique for each member where issues relevant to the user and platform profitability constantly coexist


Today, Facebook announced a significant change in its NewsFeed. The topic is hot, since this is what NewsFeed is largely responsible for the generation of audience to the various publications mailed by the media, trademarks and other public figures. Pretty hot for the firm in Menlo Park begins its press by this recall:

Facebook is Constantly Evaluating what’s the right mix of happy in News Feed and we want to let you know about a change That May affect referral traffic for publishers. Referral traffic from Facebook to media publishers HAS more than Doubled in the past 18 months and we’re always looking for Ways to optimize how happy is Discovered and Consumed. Media is pleased to key share of the experience for people on Facebook and we’re Committed to helping publishers find the right audience for Their happy.

Facebook is announcing three changes, fruits of the study of internal data and a large-scale survey inviting members to comment on the quality of their NewsFeed.

  1. The first members who do not follow many pages or n ‘t have so many friends who post the content. For them, the NewsFeed happens quite quickly during new publications to present. Facebook is going to relax the rule was to avoid presenting the user with several posts on the same page or the same friend.
  2. In contrast, the second change will address first members after many pages and have many friends who post a lot of content. It therefore focuses on the social graph and the notion of proximity. Facebook will further focus the content posted by your closest friends and the pages that are most important to you. How Facebook knows? By the data that you have declared to the platform (functionality “Close Friends” or “Family” for example), but also – and especially – by analyzing your behavior: the friends with whom you interact most (from publicly or privately) the pages you show more commitment (starting with simple “visits”, etc.)
  3. The third change is automatically generated by friends publications who “like” or comment on posts, sometimes unrelated to your interests. Facebook now will give them less importance in the NewsFeed so you do not see the top of the list.


Marketers and community leaders more than ever, the weeks that follow will again be marked by analyzing your data and scope of commitment because there a safe bet that these changes will not be without consequences in the performance of your publications …

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