Monday, April 20, 2015

Google wants to make QUIC, a standard for making the Internet more … – ZDNet France

To make the web faster, Google engineers have developed between 2013 and 2015, a network protocol (still experimental), the QUIC (Quick Internet Connections UDP). Presented as an alternative to TCP, it will soon be submitted to the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as a standard Internet.

Operator UDP (User Datagram Protocol), which is part of TCP / IP transport layer, the QUIC is described by Google as a transport protocol suitable for the modern Internet. It supports connections multiplexed through TLS (Transport Layer Security) and allows data not make round trips to establish a secure connection, unlike TCP. According to Google, the “zero function return (” zero-round-trip “), we need to surf” could benefit 75% of connections.

According to the team of Chromium (which has activated its protocol within Chrome in June 2013), with the QUIC, loading time (latency) streaming video on the Youtube platform would be reduced by 30%. Note that currently, 50% of queries on Google for Chrome are performed with QUIC. The company plans to make it the default transport protocol Chrome and all of its mobile applications.

In 2012, Google had developed another alternative protocol, SPDY, called “Speedy “which was to reduce web page load times, and strengthen the capacity of the HTTP protocol. Finally abandoned, SPDY has not become a standard, but the basis for HTTP / 2.


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