Thursday, July 28, 2016

Manuel Valls: “To be clear address the threat, it is not falling into populism” – Le Monde

Manuel Valls, Prime Minister, responding to  a World interview in his office at the Hotel  Matignon in Paris, Thursday, July 28th.

” This war, which does not concern that France will be long and we will know more attacks. But we will win. Because France has a strategy to win this war “ says Mr. Valls. “We must, first, crush this enemy outside” , he said.

Read the whole of maintenance of Manuel Valls: “France has a strategy to win this war”

the party president Republicans (LR) Nicolas Sarkozy suggested Wednesday in an interview with World , a series of measures, calling him out of the “framework” current legal and considering that facing the “barbarism” , “the left is paralyzed “. Thursday in Le Figaro is the number to Republicans, the president of the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Laurent Wauquiez, who demanded the resignation of Prime Minister and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

Mr Valls, “being lucid address the threat, it is not falling into populism” and “on safety, the left has no lessons to learn “. Faced with proposals from Republicans, he urged the French to “reject the demagogic solutions that believe we can finish [with the terrorist threat] in a few months’ . No question, therefore, to confine mere suspects in camps:

“Everything that reinforces our efficiency should be retained, but there is an impassable line: the rule of law. As such, the confinement of individuals in centers on the basis of suspicion alone is morally and legally unacceptable. “

” Nicolas Sarkozy lost his nerve “, judge the Prime Minister.

” However, we have changed era. We need to change our behavior. This is a revolution in our culture of safety that must engage “, added the head of government. For him, it must in particular question before “each event” to see if it is “indispensable” and he deserves the deployment of necessary security measures her outfit.

the Prime Minister believes that “the fight against radicalization will be the matter of a generation” , and must mingle “prevention “ and ” de-radicalization programs “. “We need to finally build a powerful against speech that should not be the job of the state, but of the entire civil society” , he said.

Without speak of “concordat” Mr Valls believes that “must be to redesign and invent a new relationship with Islam of France” . The Prime Minister is considering banning the financing of mosques abroad “for a period to be determined” .


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