forecast Météo-France July 22, 2016 06:00 AM – Meteo France

Eighteen departments were placed by Météo-France in vigilance “orange
 storms “Friday morning, due to a” storm episode assets requiring special vigilance. “

The departments of Gers (32) Tarn-et-Garonne (82), Ain ( 01), the Saône-et-Loire (71) and the Rhone (69) were added into the night to the thirteen departments already vigilance “orange storms’ Ardèche (07), the Ariege (09 ), Aude (11), Aveyron (12), Haute-Garonne (31), Loire (42) Lozère (48), the Hautes-Pyrénées (65) Tarn (81) Cantal (15), the Puy-de-Dôme (63), Haute-Loire (43) and Allier (03).

Thunderstorms and wind gusts

“the stormy outbreaks are now well established along a line stretching from the east of the Midi-Pyrénées in southern Auvergne. The heaviest showers have intensities of 20 to 30 millimeters in an hour and are accompanied by many stormy impacts, locally hailstorms, “said Météo-France in its bulletin of 6:00.

” This stormy episode ‘active’ also affect the north of the Gard and Hérault and the Hautes-Alpes “, further states Météo-France.

” the storms will continue to develop. They will flow to the northeast, affecting the Massif Central, the Northern Rhône-Alpes and southern Burgundy. They will occasionally give strong gusts of wind. A significant electrical activity can also be observed. “

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lull in southwestern

“The regions of the Southwest experience a lull from midday, while the strongest storms win Burgundy, where an extension of the orange alert is likely, “said the bulletin. “Between the Massif Central and Rhone Alps, they will fade more slowly in the early evening and give way to rainy weather. “

The end of the” Orange storms “vigilance is scheduled for Friday at 22:00
