Sunday, July 24, 2016

Pokemon Go is available in France: all you need to know – Next INpact

It s it, Pokemon Go is now available officially in France, after long days of waiting. The opportunity for us to take stock of this phenomenon and what can represent such a success for Nintendo.

For weeks the media bubble swells and the articles more or less inspired to multiply waiting for the big day, but the French fans in tow. Pokemon Go , the game is now available in France without you having to engage in sometimes risky manipulations

already downloaded tens of millions of times in the world in the space of a few weeks, it is already a real success for its creators who count well ride the wave as they can. From our side, we decided to publish a review of recent days in connection with this on-line.

No, it is not a Nintendo game

Before going further, it is worth recalling some important evidence about the paternity of the game. There is not a mobile games mentioned by Nintendo at the announcement of its partnership with Japanese publisher DeNA. Pokemon Go was developed by Niantic, a former subsidiary of Google, in which Nintendo has only minority shares following a joint investment with the Mountain View giant.

The Pokémon franchise is not either Nintendo, at least not completely. The income of Pokémon games are collected by The Pokémon Company, a company jointly owned by Freak Games, developer of titles in the franchise released on handheld consoles, Creatures Inc., the company responsible for the sale of toys and Pokemon cards and finally by Nintendo, up to 32%.

It should be noted that Pokémon Go is not the first mobile game published by the Pokémon Company. Pokémon Shuffle, a competitor of Candy Crush Saga is thus available for several quarters, like a deck of cards to collect online, based on the famous franchise.

Pokémania traded

Nintendo therefore directly benefits a fraction of the impact caused by Pokémon GB. This is sufficient however to give the fever to many investors, as evidenced by the recent rise in share price manufacturer since the launch of the title.

Between July 6, official launch date of Pokémon Go and July 22, the action of Nintendo rose 93.4%, with a peak of + 120% before some investors will decide to make their profit taking. The capitalization of Nintendo has surpassed the 4,000 billion yen, or about $ 37.7 billion and as much as Sony, to nearly $ 150 million.

A simple principle, but effective

gameplay side, Pokemon Go plays the simplicity card. The gameplay is largely derived from Ingress , another game developed several years ago by Niantic, and still active today. The player must walk (walking) smartphone in hand in the street, and sometimes, his phone will vibrate to notify him the presence of a pokemon in its immediate vicinity.

By tapping the creature appeared on the map, a capture phase is triggered. The pokemon appears on the screen superimposed on the external environment, filmed by the back camera of the terminal. The player must then try to keep the pokemon in the framework and launch a Poke Balls at him. If it hits the creature before it hits the ground, it is absorbed in it but can still get out. If it does not come out, she is captured and joined your team.

Pokemon Go Pokemon Go

Each pokemon has several visible features. The first is the level of PC (Battle Points) which is a measure of his power, followed his points, a potential gauge to see how far a creature can progress and finally a list of two attacks, randomly chosen.

When you capture a pokemon, you get three sweets related to pokemon (candy PIDGEY for PIDGEY candy for Charizard Charmander …) and 100 dust. Push up the level of PC requires a creature of dust and candy, while a larger amount of candy is required to evolve the pokemon. Multiplying catches and developments, the player can try to create the best performing team possible to tackle the arena.

Sink or swim

By walking, the player will come across small blue structures in its path, it is Pokestops. On the way there, he will reap several objects, Pokeballs, potions, berries and sometimes eggs that will hatch walking some distance (from 2 to 10 km). Impossible to cheat uphill drive, moving above a certain speed are not counted in this total.

 Pokemon Go  Pokemon Go

other more imposing structures may also appear: the arenas. Here players can compete their creatures to show they are the best in the area. Place a pokemon to defend an arena owned team helps raise poképièces, which allow you to make purchases in the store of the game.

McDonald’s jumped at the chance

Niantic indicated that it was intended to enable brands to gain a place in the Pokemon Go fee. The first such partnership was formalized in Japan where 3,000 restaurants Mc Donald’s group form as many arenas in the Nipponese cities. If the concept works in the land of the rising sun, it is not excluded that such partnerships could be signed in Europe.

To seduce brands, Niantic promises them that the game will take pedestrian traffic their signs. They are also charged at the number of visits to their establishments permitted by the application. By implanting arenas in its restaurants, McDonald’s ensures that players who will go on site will be there for a while, fighting in an arena claiming several minutes. Ample time to indulge in a burger, ice cream or a drink at any time of day or night … and lose all the benefits of the 12 kilometers of walking your last hunt pokemon .

to make the butter, Niantic also relies on micro-transactions built in. According to some analysts, they would report already over a million dollars a day in the US, only on Android. Yet the game shop offers nothing extraordinary.

With a winnable or purchasable currency arena, it is possible to buy single Pokeballs (no super / hyperballs), incense for attract to itself more Pokemon or Pokemon modules attracting around a pokéstop for all players. Also available are objects accelerating progression, doubling as an egg experience gains for 30 minutes or more incubators for eggs to hatch Pokémon walking. All these objects are also distributed free in limited quantities during the rise in the level of the player, or some via pokéstops.

Stay Aware

After testing Pokémon Go for two weeks, it seemed that it is quite easy to get carried away by the application as to lose vigilance on our travels which is not without danger, as recalled by d Besides the national gendarmerie:

If you set out on the hunt pokemon, know that you are not forced to stay the nose on your screen while walking, and your phone will alert you to the presence of any creature in vibrant, as the game is in the foreground.

If you remember to activate the power saving mode of the application, your battery will thank even more, the display intersecting whenever your device is upside down. Even so, the autonomy of your phone will be undermined. In our tests, a Galaxy S6 with the brightness of the screen to a minimum set held for about 3h30 game before throwing in the towel.

We have also noted no significant improvement autonomy in locally downloading the maps from Google maps, contrary to some rumors suggest.


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