Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Moon will blush Wednesday: to follow on the site of NASA – TF1

<- Mpg = 1116852 "TF1NEWS13 - MASTHEAD (All)", GPa = 2737 ->

<- / blk = 166,952.3, R, prdfriweb007 -> <- blk = 172823 "InscriptionV4TeaserVisiteurCompte" ->
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<- / blk = 167,675.5, R, prdfriweb009 -> <- blk = 165680 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 165680.4, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 156323 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 156,323.4, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 167776 " GeneralPub "-> <- / blk = 167,776.4, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- blk = 172820" AfficheContenuUniversel "-> <- / blk = 172,820.37, R, prdfriweb002 -> <- blk = 172835 "HomeNavigationV2" -> <- / blk = 172,835.19, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 172837 "GeneralPub" -> <- / Zon = 10 ->

<- / Zon = 20 ->

<- blk = 173954 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 173,954.9, R, prdfriweb004 -> <- blk = 171160 "GeneralHTML" -> <- blk = 166855 "GeneralHTML" -> <- / blk = 166,855.4, R, prdfriweb004 ->

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<- / Zon = 100 - >

<- blk = 167376 " GeneralVousEtesIci "-> <- / blk = 167,376.8, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- / Zon = 900 ->
<- / Zon = 800 ->

<- / Zon = 950 - >

<- / blk = 171,337.44, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- / Zon = 1000 ->

<- / Zon = 1050 ->

<- Zon = 1100 -> <- / Zon = 1100 ->
<- / Zon = 1200 ->
<- / blk = 167,213.6, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 166891 "GeneralChapo" - ->
Edited by
the October 7, 2014 at 7:46 p.m., updated October 7, 2014 at 19:47 .

<- blk = 166889 "ChapoMagique" ->

 TF1 LCI-Red Moon

<- blk = 171916 "AfficheContenuUniversel" -> <- / blk = 171,916.44, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- / Zon = 2000 ->

<- Block ESI 3600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb007 - Wed October 8, 2014 4:24:40 -> <- Mot-cl dé!! MSB: moon (id: 1685) ->

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eclipse, nasa, moon <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI!: 0831 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave, thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 175,148.553, R, prdfriapp001 -> <- blk! = 167866, "lci / TF1NewsWidgets" -> <- / blk = 167,866.5, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- / Zon = 2100 ->

Techniques Unable to see the total eclipse Moon in Europe Wednesday, you can watch it on the webcast of NASA. <- / blk = 167,130.8, R, prdfriapp002 -> <- blk = 167894 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 167,894.2, R, prdfriweb007 - -> <- blk = 167132 "PapierUniversel" ->

A eclipse total lunar, which makes the Moon reddish, will perform Wednesday and will be widely visible in North America and Asia, but not in Europe or in Africa, according to NASA Tuesday. This eclipse, when the moon is completely in the shadow of the Earth will be complete before sunrise to 10:25 GMT or 6:25 AM on the east coast of the United States.
Sites NASA and the robotic telescope Slooh live show the progress of this phenomenon. The webcast of NASA, with the participation of experts from the Moon the space agency will begin at 7 am GMT October 8, while Slooh begin retransmission at 9am GMT. The previous total lunar eclipse occurred April 15, 2014 and the next will be April 4 2015

<- / blk = 169,689.41, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- blk = 174682 "GeneralHTML" -> <- / blk = ! 174682.4, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- blk = 167612 "excessive / ExcessifNavTransverse" -> <- Block ESI 3600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb003 - Wed 04 October 8th, 2014!: 28:31 -> <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI: 0232 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave, thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 167,612.78, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 170590 "PasseVariableUniversel" -> <- / blk = 170,590.5, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- / blk = 167,621.9, R, prdfriweb009 -> <- blk = 166897 "ListeAvisInternautes" -> <- / blk = 166897.4, R, prdfriapp001 -> <- blk = 166899 "TeaserMultiSourceForContentPage" -> <- / blk = 166,899.4, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- / Zon = 2200 - ->

<- blk = 172863 "GeneralHTML" -> <- / blk = 172,863.3, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- blk = 166907, "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 166,907.5, R, prdfriweb009 -> <- blk = 170875 "ConducteurMiroir" ->

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<- / Zon = 4000 - >
<- / Zon = 6000 ->

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