Monday, October 20, 2014

Piracy: Google purge its search results –

With the latest update to its algorithms, Google gives more rights to the estate, which will consign to oblivion the sites that are the subject of alerts. Google proc & # XE8, of & # xE0; purge against rogue sites

Google now give more weight to the reports sent by the record labels and film majors, when they consider the contents infringe copyright, this is what the famous search engine has announced. This is part of the start of production of new algorithms of the search engine.

Specifically, when a site will be denounced piracy, it will be downgraded in the results, because “A result returned au beyond the first page of the engine has in fact very little chance of being clicked, “this is what Google indicated in its report on piracy on Friday.

This is a modification algorithms share a Google responds to repeated requests from beneficiaries who continue to demand that housekeeping is done in search results while the terms “download”, “streaming” or “mp3″ can bring out the results of sites offering illegal content.

It should be noted that Google has implemented an automated reporting system contents, in 2011, a device on which professionals rushed. The search engine has received about 224 million withdrawal requests last year and accepted 222 million. Currently, it handles more than one million applications every day, which is more than all the combined years 1998-2010

Despite this tool seems to be a big improvement, it has not prevented RIAA, the American lobby music, pushing Google to introduce stronger measures, that the search engine has just

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