Thursday, September 29, 2016

Five giants of the high tech combine to define and frame the artificial intelligence –

The Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society – a partnership that artificial intelligence benefits to people and society. The appellation is longer, a bit bombastic, and witness as much to future issues as a present-day context.

This partnership brings together five american giants : Amazon, Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft. Five titans at the head of hundreds of data centers, five players accumulating every day billions of data, information which are at the heart of the revolution of artificial intelligence. However, the neural networks and the deep learning are based on these sets, enormous data : it is in this cluster of 0′s and 1′s that we produce that artificial intelligence draws its utility, its strength and what it takes to draw the contours of its future.

Research and education

A future that could be worrying and that implies that right now the great actors of the research in artificial intelligence come together and agree to avoid the excesses that science fiction promises us for decades.

This partnership on the AI has as the objective to conduct research to establish and promote good practices. It is in this case a bit of the continuation of the committees of council for the ethics of artificial intelligence that has created Microsoft, or that Google has put in place after the acquisition of Deepmind in 2014.

In any case, this means that potentially the biggest names in the artificial intelligence (Yann LeCun for Facebook, Mustafa Suleyman for Deepmind, Greg S. Corrado for Google, Francesca Rossi for IBM, Ralf Herbrich for Amazon and Eric Horovitz for Microsoft) will meet regularly to discuss their progress in the matter. They will also discuss ethics, privacy, transparency, information exchange and collaboration between human and artificial intelligence.

A broad and even nebulous, which may seem far wrong. Because the manifestations of artificial intelligence are already present in our daily lives, our personal digital assistants to these bots speech found on Facebook or even in Google Allo. This partnership is not without reminding us, in part, from other initiatives, such as the one initiated by Elon Musk or the Future of Life Institute.

opening to other actors

also, the Partnership we HAVE, which has yet to appoint its committee of management and may be open to other similar projects, such as the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, or the research group at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, founded by Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft.

now is The time more than ever to the collaboration. Moreover, four of these five giants – the only thing Amazon is missing – are part of the Open Compute Project, intended to share open-source designs of it infrastructures, including systems of artificial intelligence.

This could be the answer to a fear of confinement, fear to see these giants close in on themselves. However, one cannot help noticing that there has for the moment no players in the public, representing a state or States, or universities (even if some of the founding members are academics).

civil society must take up these issues

It is true that the progress in the field of artificial intelligence are in the hands of private companies and that the economic issues related are also. Therefore, it is not surprising that this partnership also aims to explain and provide reassurance to the public in the face of the mysterious AI. But it is also worrisome to see huge companies unite as a majority of the public was not yet aware of the impact of this revolution.

To defend our interests and our freedoms, to maintain a power over our daily lives, and the tools at our disposal, it is not necessary to limit ourselves to partnerships between giants. We need to show and demonstrate we also… of intelligence.


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