Sunday, March 29, 2015

NASA is testing the effect of a long journey in space on the body … – The Express

The Man he can conquer Mars? Before you get there, you have to determine if the human can bear to stay for long in space, for the journey to the red planet lasts six months, not to return. To clarify this point, NASA continues with its test. Latest, that of the Soyuz spacecraft that docked with the International Space Station (ISS) aboard Saturday with Scott Kelly and Mikhaill Kornienko, who have to stay in space a year. Is the longest mission carried out on the ISS.

But Scott Kelly has the distinction of having a “real” twin, that is to say, they share the same gene pool. Mark Kelly, a retired astronaut, will therefore remain on earth and medical examinations, while his brother is on the ISS. NASA says on its website that the goal is to compare the evolution of biological characteristics of two men.

Performance Mood Disorders

For a trip into space has a real impact on human physiology. As detailed in the Guardian , the consequences can be physical, with blurred vision, immune system or intracranial pressure, but also with a mental impairment of memory or sense of orientation. For now, man resists six months of travel, which are more common, induced syndromes are identified and the space sickness, nausea and drowsiness, or decompression sickness that is related to the decrease pressure.

However, for long periods, the examples show that the situation is different. After 14 months in space, Valeri Polyakov showed mood disorders and performance for three weeks before returning to normal. Remains to raise question marks between six and fourteen months of presence in space.




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