Monday, January 2, 2017

In THESE, the French Tech ready to “break everything” – The

France is in the process of dominating the THESE,” wrote, last year, the prestigious site Techcrunch, the bible of devotees of high tech across the Atlantic. The Hexagon created a sensation with his regiment of startups (123) exhibitors at the Eureka Park, the space dedicated to the young shoots the more innovative the Consumer Electronic Show (ces) in Las Vegas. What about this year ? With its 178 nuggets exhibiting, France is held just behind the United States (203 startups) and dropped Israel (16) South Korea (15) China (14). Certainly, on the set of the show (which is spread over three locations and 225 000 square metres), France would be “that ” the third biggest contingent in the worl d, with 275 companies and organizations. Far behind the United States (1.713) and China (1.307). But the Eureka Park is the Mecca for journalists from around the world on the lookout for nuggets of the future. And France will be the main attraction, as in 2015 and in 2016, when even the media the more likely on the usual “French bashing ” were split from their praise on the dynamism of the innovation blue white red.

This increase in power is a success for the French Tech, the government mission created by Fleur Pellerin in 2014 in order to federate and promote the nuggets French. For the State, THIS represents, by far, the most important event of the year. His media coverage is exceptional and the fact that it focuses on few days, the who’s who of the innovation world (major groups, investors, distributors…) make it a must. For proof, Michel Sapin, the minister of the Economy, and Axelle Lemaire, the secretary of State in charge of Digital and Innovation, is expected to move. They will be the successors to Emmanuel Macron, ovationné last year.

Plus France cased at THESE, the more his image will change in the world and more investors have wanted to come to us. The impact of THESE on the ecosystem as a whole are huge, ” says David Monteau, director of the French Tech.

The startups that have benefited from the previous years to confirm it:

I have not yet finished sorting the contacts made in 2016 “, smiled Thibaut Jarrousse, the co-founder of the sommelier-connected 10-Wines.

THESE represents a global visibility guaranteed and the warranty of appointments business throughout the year, ” says Richard Ollier, the founder and CEO of Giroptic.

both will be again on the trip in 2017.

More journalists than Olympic Games !

To mark its fiftieth anniversary, the ETUC expects 3.887 exhibitors and nearly 180,000 visitors – including 2,000 French – from 158 countries. More than 7,500 journalists in international travel, more… as the Olympic games (5.800 2016).

The is a salon practitioner, it covers all areas of innovation. But like every year, several strong themes emerge. At the crossroads of science, engineering, marketing, and design – areas of excellence in France-the Internet of things will be the big star of THESE 2017. Startups and large groups will have plenty of innovations to present, both for the general public, but also businesses and communities. Thus, thanks to the outbreak of the big data (data analysis), robotics and artificial intelligence, the Internet of things disrupts the sectors of the smart home (or smart home of connected health, the organization of the city (the so-called ” smart city “) and of those companies (with sensors and software that process a stream always more important data).

Finally, the connected car and autonomous, regarded as the future of the automobile, is likely to be the other star of the show. Most major manufacturers, from BMW to Volkswagen, through Ford and Mercedes, there will be demonstrations and announcements.

Twenty-five French start-ups already award-winning

Thanks to its industrial culture, with its chain of engineers and designers of talent, an ecosystem that is mature of incubators and accelerators (Usine IO in Paris, the City of the object connected to Angers, the Hardware Club…), investors, and champions of the connectivity of the objects (including the toulouse Sigfox, the world’s number one network of a low speed, which has just raised 150 million euros), France is very well positioned to take advantage of the Internet of things. At the heart of the digital transformation of companies, the IoT (for Internet of Things) should represent, according to various studies, a market of € 300 billion in the world by 2020.


Aware that it is of growth not to be missed, the major French groups will multiply the reconciliations with the startups. And they also want their quarter hour of light at THESE. The Post office (with its French IoT) will take 16 of its nuggets in Las Vegas. Orange (which opened last June a huge campus dedicated to innovation), Engie (investor in Sigfox), Air Liquide (who will be exhibiting startups from its incubator, i-LAB) or Legrand (investor in Netatmo, specialized in the thermostat connected) will rise their own flag. For its part, Business France, the organization that helps French companies in the international, will take under his wing 28 innovative startups in all areas, of the sensor staff of pollution to the pillow, intelligent, passing by the wheel of solar bicycle, or even the cover of the suitcase traceable and insured in case of loss or vol

Twenty-five French start-ups already award-winning

even Before the beginning of the show, the cru 2017 starts well. Twenty-five French start-ups have been distinguished in the ces Innovation Awards, revealed the 10 last November in New York. That is seven more than last year. Xooloo (an alternative to the parental control on the Internet), and PKParis (for a connected object in the medical sector still confidential) have even received a ” Best of Innovation Award “, devoted to the best global innovation in their category. For these winners, the return on investment is almost assured.

For the others, it will be necessary to provide still a lot of efforts. Between the plane ticket, the on-site accommodation, the costs of external pr agency, management of the booth…), be present at THESE back at least 10.000 euros. Startups that choose to put the small dishes in the large ones (show in the u.s. on a large stand) will leave more than 50,000 euros. But for the most part, the game is worth the candle.

If you are prepared well in advance, THESE can be transformed into the accelerator incredible business. This is a golden opportunity for access to international media, to meet future partners, distributors, suppliers, and investors, to test the market and gauge the competition, ” says Fred Potter, founder and CEO of Netatmo.

last year, the nantes 10-Wines that had benefited from THESE to explode all over the world. Who will be next elected in 2017 ?


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